In order to become willing to breed, a villager must have food equivalent to either 3 bread, 12 carrots, 12 potatoes, or 12 beetroots in their inventory. If there are enough number of beds for the extra baby villagers that you’re hoping for and if the villagers are willing to breed, then two villagers will get together and spawn a baby villager. In order to begin breeding villagers, there must be at least two villagers with enough food and beds to be willing to breed. Trading with a villager for the last offer on their list Here are the various actions and their corresponding popularity points for the player. Sometimes, a baby villager may stare at an Iron Golem, who may gift a poppy to the baby. Baby villagers look for other baby villagers as well and try to find beds to jump on. Only baby villagers spend time playing in Minecraft. At this time, the Minecraft villagers make sounds and communicate with each other as well as exchange items at times. The gathering is when during a specific time of the day, usually during the time of dusk, villagers gather together at the center of the village, where a bell is hung. Unemployed Minecraft villagers especially wander around the village and near its boundaries in order to pathfind to a nearby empty job site block to claim a profession. Wandering is majorly done by villagers that are unemployed, are Nitwits, or are baby villagers. During work hours, villagers can also refresh locked trades. However, these villagers may sometimes roam just a further bit to “gather supplies”.

Minecraft villagers that have assigned jobs usually spend most of the day standing near their job site blocks. However, these set scheduled behaviors may be superseded by panic, trading, or taking shelter during rain. Villagers in Minecraft follow a set schedule depending on their profession and the day/night cycle in Minecraft. Here is a list of all the Minecraft villager jobs and their respective job sites required to assign the villager that job. An unemployed villager can claim any available job by going to an empty job site.

In Minecraft, a villager can have any one of fifteen total jobs, including being a Nitwit and an unemployed villager. For example, farmers sow any seeds or plants they have in their inventory. The job of a Minecraft villager also decides the way a villager will behave when wandering or working. Villagers in Minecraft can have a variety of jobs, which determines the items that they will have available to them when trading with the player. Naturally spawned villagers can have any of the various Minecraft villager jobs. Minecraft villagers naturally generate in NPC villages, which can randomly spawn in any of the Minecraft biomes, or in the basement of an igloo. There are two ways of spawning a Minecraft villager - through natural generation or by curing a zombie villager.
With Minecraft 1.16, the spawning of iron golems has become easier, since it no longer depends on the professional status or last time of work of the Minecraft villager. The prices for various products during Minecraft villager trading are decided by the popularity level of the player in the village. Additionally, with 1.14, the player now has to unlock five levels of Minecraft villager trading in order to get better trades. 1.14 introduced the various kinds of appearances that a Minecraft villager could have, depending upon the biome they spawned in. With the Minecraft 1.14 update, Mojang sought to make a few changes to the way a Minecraft Villager behaved and interacted with the player. Over the course of the years, Mojang added many more features such as baby villagers as well as the green-robed Nitwit, a Minecraft villager that does not have a job.

At that time, the Minecraft Villager was of only five types and had much lesser functions and characteristics. In fact, the villagers were added as part of the Beta 1.9 pre-release version of the game. The Minecraft Villager has been a part of the game since the Beta version of Minecraft. NPC Villages, Igloo Basements, or by Curing a Zombie Villager Thus, a Tundra villager looks different from a Taiga villager. The appearance of the Minecraft Villager changes as per the biome their village is located in. The Minecraft Villager can have one of many professions, which decides what kind of trades will be available to the player when trading with that particular villager. Villagers usually spawn in villages, igloo basements, or if the player cures a zombie villager. The Minecraft Villager is a passive mob in Minecraft that can be extremely useful in the survival gameplay.